Angel Heart – Polka Dot Socks

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Angel Heart (also known as “Dr Angel” by her friends) is a doctor, pilot, human rights and mental health advocate and abuse survivor. Singing is her passion and she has sung professionally as part of a band. Dr Angel hopes to spread her love, passion and positivity via her original songs to people in the hopes of improving their lives and, in a nutshell, making our world a better place to live in. 

A survivor of severe domestic violence, Dr Angel was forced to flee her home with her children in order to save all their lives. Fast forward several years, and Dr Angel has lived internationally, her professional skills propelling her to achieve international acclaim in her field. Dr Angel has also written and published several articles and books within her professional field, two of which are her biographies of surviving sexual abuse and domestic violence, and her battle with mental illness, discrimination and systemic injustice. Dr Angel sees life as an adventure and continues to love, appreciate and show immense gratitude for the people who have supported and stood by her.

Dr Angel started her own TicTok channel in early 2023 and, within several months, gained traction and was taken on by a recording studio whose producer encouraged her to record her own self-written, original songs. 

“Polka Dot Socks” is Angel Heart’s third single album, following “You” and “Always My Light”. Angel Heart decided to tug at her fans’ heartstrings with “Polka Dot Socks” and give us an insight into her childhood. This song was written as a tribute to Angel Heart’s uncle, the man who raised her and played the role of both mother and father to her after her biological parents abused and abandoned her. Her uncle played a pivotal role in Angel Heart’s life and in making her the successful woman she is today. On their first outing together to a cinema, a young Angel Heart and her uncle walked hand-in-hand past a row of shops where he asked her if she wanted anything. It was there Angel Heart noticed a pair of polka dot socks and became fixated on it, wanting nothing else. Her uncle laughed and bought the pair of socks for her, teasing that at least her feet would not get cold in the air-conditioned cinema. Angel Heart cherished the pair of polka dot socks and always wanted to wear it (even to school!) because it always reminded her of her uncle and the special bond they shared. Many years later, when her uncle tragically passed away, Angel Heart always looked back at the special memories and times they shared and vowed she would one day honour the special man who never gave up on her, who showered her with unconditional love, and was the first person in her life who encouraged her to sing her heart out. “You have the voice of an angel,” he always encouraged her, “so never stop singing!”

Angel Heart dedicates “Polka Dot Socks” to all the amazing fathers and father-figures who have stood by and protected their daughters and continue to support and love them unconditionally.  

Interview by Tim Brown

When did you start singing? I started singing when I was a child – basically ever since I could remember I was always singing. Singing has always been my passion, “therapy” and a form of positive “escape” for me from a traumatic childhood. 

Which famous musicians do you admire? Why? Too many!!! 🙂 If I had to name a few: Westlife, Boyzone, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Shania Twain, Tricia Yearwood, Dolly Parton, Garth Brooks, Ed Sheerin, Enrique Iglesias… I love their music because of the lyrics and their style and melodies – they are touching and meaningful, relatable and resonates with me.  

Have you been in competitions? Fleadh’s? Any prizes? Yes – I started entering singing competitions in high school and continued to do so for about 12 years. I did win several competitions, one was an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii, which I was ecstatic about! Unfortunately, my hectic career as a doctor and motherhood prevented me from investing too much time in my passion – singing.

What makes this kind of music “good” to you? The lyrics – they have to be meaningful and resonate with me. The tune and melody has to flow and be gentle and impactful (not loud and noisy). Together, “good” music, to me, has to take me into a different dimension and dig deep into  my psyche and awaken my soul.  

Why did you choose to sing this style of music? I love music that is gentle, touching, meaningful and that people can relate to in their life experiences. All my music is this, and so much more. I want to reach out to people via my music and hopefully they will feel like they can resonate with my songs.  

Let’s Talk about your music and your last work. I write all the lyrics to my songs. They come from my life experiences – the joys, pains, disappointments, heartaches, happiness, challenges with life and mental illness etc. I want my listeners to know that they are not alone, to feel comforted and empowered when they listen to my songs. 

My last song was titled, “Always My Light” and it was a song I wrote for an ex-partner who cheated on me. Well, I wrote it before I discovered his infidelity and gave up writing it but it was my producer who encouraged me to finish the song. I’m so glad he did because I absolutely love the song 🙂  

What are the plans for the future? The release of many more songs and music videos! I would like to be involved in more interviews and hopefully more live performances. And, importantly, I would like to be able to be signed on by a large recording studio / label who would fund my music!

How has your music evolved since you first began playing music?
Most noticeably, my vocals have improved significantly, thanks to my producer! 🙂 I have also learnt via experience (and my producer!) how to train my vocals to sing different genres of music. There’s so much to know and still so much I want to learn and that can only come from experience. I have a fantastic team behind me and, together, we are all learning and my team is continuously advising me on the type of mixes that work with my vocal range, the genres of songs that suite me, the kind of music my fans enjoy from me etc… As my music evolves, so does my team (and me!) and they are able to produce better, stronger music for me 🙂 

9) Where can we find you online? (include any social media links, etc)

1.   YouTube: Channel ID: UCSU3PY62SionVj1OE8C85ug

2.   TikTok:

3.   Instagram: 

 10) What inspires your music? I write the lyrics to all my songs and my lyrics come from my own (and sometimes my clients’) heartfelt personal life experiences. Being a doctor, a pilot and mental health specialist, I utilise music as a means to reach out to people who have suffered (and / or are suffering) from mental illness via my own personal experiences weaved into the lyrics of my songs. I believe music is a powerful and effective means of empowering people and I love that I have been blessed with the skills to be able to do that.

How would you describe your music to someone who’s never heard your music?

Heartfelt, soulful, meaningful, touching, real, authentic and original! You feel my music in your heart and soul